lunes, 26 de marzo de 2018

Socialism and Lies

By Toby Valderrama and Antonio Aponte 

Capitalism is a kingdom of lies, the deception begins in its very essence: the appropriation of work and social wealth on behalf of a minority. Social scientists, lead by Marx, have revealed the forms of this deception. Upon this fundamental deception is formed an apparatus of lies. Lies, falsehood - it's essential to the capitalist system; it's so common, so sophisticated that it passes unnoticed. The system maintains itself by masking its fraudulent nature.
When a capitalist government like the one we're suffering neglects the masking of the lie, it runs into problems; when it maintains itself by lying flagrantly, without keeping up appearances; if it's trigger-happy and fires off lies helter-skelter, the entire system of domination runs into problems.
In recent days, the government's lying hysteria has worsened: Smartmatic, the company providing machines for elections, distanced itself from the government; they can't certify the results that they claim are altered in the millions. If we remember that during the presidential elections the margin was 200,000, we understand the gravity of the scheme. In conclusion: elections are a big lie.
Of the discussions in the Dominican, nothing is known about what happened; all parties are accused of lying and the truth is, he didn't go to that meeting. The president tells us that the day following his electoral victory, he'll implement an economic project that will get us out of the crisis; he won't say what it is, doesn't elaborate; everything becomes just another lie.
During these days of remembrance for Comandante Chavez, he has caused a lot of uneasiness for high-ranking government officials; their conscience stirred, plagued by the dismembering of the Comandante's philosophy, and they started talking about socialism; from the garbage bin of Miraflores they dug out the Plan for the Nation, they came all out against capitalism; it was like an intoxication, lies raining down on the country.Foreign visitors were incredulous before such deception. It was a theatre of the absurd. However, the capitalists aren't worried, they know they're blowhards, a bark worse than the bite. To Mendoza they gave the strong bolivar, for the supermarkets they covered losses due to excess auditing, dollars rain down, nationalisations are reversed, selfishness sets in.
Those in government feel supported, anything can be said to the people as long as they're given a bonus that isn't worth anything. They cheat the unsuspecting, whoever has money feels rich although they can't buy anything - this is one of the fantasies of inflation.
One of the government's primary problems is that it acts like a fugitive: a capitalist is a thief, they steal, but have to respect certain rules that allow the reproduction of the system. The criminal also steals, or let us say bootlegger (or hostage-taker), but doesn't respect the rules, reveals the theft, and thus has to be punished and removed.
For capitalism and global capitalists, it doesn't suit their governments that another government breaks the rules of the system of domination, that they flagrantly, openly commit election fraud; it doesn't suit them that a government lay bare the lie of institutional independence, that it attack the integrity of the legislature, the electoral authority, the high courts, the state prosecutor - that it blatantly turns them into its minions and publicly orders them around.
It was in this way the socialist impulse transformed into a poor caricature of bourgeois democracy, not accepted by either socialists or capitalists.

Read the full article in Spanish, here:
English Version: Brandon Joel Queen (EE UU)

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