viernes, 12 de enero de 2018

The Petro: A Weapon Against the Financial World Offensive

By: Prensa Web RNV / | |

Max Keiser, host of the famous TV show Keiser Report on Russia Today, affirmed on his twitter account @maxkeiser, that the bitcoin initiative was a good way to fight against the US imperialism that drowns the Venezuelan economy.


Max Keiser, host of the TV Show Keiser Report on Russia Today published on his Twitter account  @maxkeiser, that the bitcoin initiative was a good way to fight against the US imperialism that drowns the Venezuelan economy.


Credit: @enrikecido

Jan 10th. 2018 – There is a real rampage by the national and international right wing against the Petro. The reason is very simple. With this bitcoin, the Venezuelan state will be able to make financial transactions inside and off the country without controls nor obstacles imposed by Washington with its illegal actions against the Bolivarian Government.

According to the renowned American economist Max Keiser, who hosts the TV show Keiser Report on Russia Today, this initiative is a good way to fight against the US imperialism that drowns the Venezuelan economy, Keiser said on his Twitter account @maxkeiser.

President Nicolás Maduro made a gigantic step towards the consolidation of an innovative financial tool that will prevent any interference in the commercial exchange and the raising of capital.
Para Keiser, con este anuncio el presidente Nicolás Maduro dio un paso gigantesco para consolidar una innovadora herramienta financiera que no permitirá injerencia alguna en la captación de capitales y en el intercambio comercial.

“The problems in Venezuela are mainly caused by the US imperialism. The “Petro” bitcoin is an excellent way to break the colonial chains. Avoiding sanctions is simple. Creating the firsr sovereign currency is also simple. Venezuela can join the fight to overthrow the dollar”, Keiser affirmed.

“The bitcoin might solve the problems of Venezuela and even create the foundation for a great recovery if handled and designed correctly”, he stressed.

Therefore, debts can be paid, the inflation can be faced as well as the shortage maneuvers through this virtual currency, Keiser said.

The Dogs Bark
This explains why the Web Site Dolar Today, spearhead of the US and Colombia attacks against Venezuela, has started a powerful campaign to discredit the Petro among the people and potential investors.

This Website affirmed the US State Department would fine natural or juridical persons to acquire the new virtual currency. The Petro is supported by the natural resources of the Venezuelan state.

It's no chance that the National Assembly, with an opositionist majority, had approved an “agreement” to cancel the decree of President Maduro to create the Petro.

The Venezuelan rightwing think tanks have started the campaign “Everyone Against the Petro”, similar to “Eveyone Against Chávez” or “Everyone Against Maduro”, always aimed at overthrowing the Bolivarian Revolution and its policies of social inclusion.

Entrepreneurs Invited to Belong to the Ecosystem
The National Bitcoin Superintendent, Carlos Vargas, invited entrepreneurs and the people in general in the TV show “Con Amorín” to join this new economic system,and to trust this innovative tool.

“There is a big patriot entrepreneurship who still roots for Venezuela. We have a big group of merchants who continue to bet for Venezuela, yet suffer the ravages of the induced markers. We invite them to belong to the Petro ecosystem. Do it. Te experts recommend it. There is no danger”, he said.

"We are proceeding to generate the conditions for all entrepreneurs and merchants to be certain that, their bolivars will be protected through this exchange tool. They will be able to continue doing business with Venezuela, to estabilize the economy. This will be successful”, Vargas stated.

"Our currency has a support. Our assets are supported by certificates that guarantee the existence of an important amount of approximately five billion oil barrels on a georeferenced area called Ayacucho Block. That wealth supports our currency”, he said.

Regarding Mining and the Miners

The bitcoing mining farms are constituted by interconnected computers, through a specialized software in charge of the currency functioning. These spaces are handled by specialists who contribute and guarantee the reliability of the system.

The mining basically compets with other miners for the mathematical problem solving (by using very powerful computers) aimed at earning the right to add a new page to the public accounting book of the bitcoin mined and presented in blocks.

Thanks to this activity the miners are rewarded (every time they add a block to the bitcoin) with bitcoings whose origin could be the commissions the users pay for the confirmation of their transactions in the shortest time possible and the newly issued bitcoins according to the emission calendar established.

The Bolivarian Government started a process from December 22nd 2017 until January 21st to all those who participate in the digital mining to register and legalize their job. Those who remain illegal will run the juridical consequences.

Read the Article in Spanish :

English Version: María Eugenia Acero Colomine

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