jueves, 1 de febrero de 2018

(AUDIO) The Proposal of a Chavista Candidate, but: How to Know if he/she Be a Chavista for Real?

There is no doubt: The Bolivarian Revolution lost its way after the assassination of Commander Chávez. Then, it abandoned the Plan of the Motherland. It became false, aimed at allowing the thesis of the alliance with the bourgeoisie for rising the productive forces. Therefore, it's mandatory to remember the three mainstrays of the self-criticism, as well as the proposal of a possible Chavista candidate. Also, to deepen on the research on the Commander's assassination, as well as claiming and assuming the Plan of the Motherland written by Chávez himself, and dismissing the thesis of an alliance with the bourgeoisie. 

Read the note and Listen to the Full Podcast in Spanish, here: https://www.aporrea.org/actualidad/n320070.html

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