miércoles, 17 de enero de 2018

(VIDEO) Panamanian Rapper Insults Venezuelan Women in New Song

By: Aporrea-Agencies 
December 13th, 2017.- The rapper Mr. Saik led the most recent episode of chauvinism against the Venezuelan community in Panamá, one of the main migration destinations for Venezuelans in the last years.
Saik published this Tuesday on his Instagram account an excerpt of a song referring with despise to all Venezuelan women as easy.

“All envy they are, for in their country she was a star. Now she’s into something else… oops! What a tasty little thing! She's famous in the corner. Give her Harina Pan, and she gives you bread, bread”, a part of the song says.
The video was shared with the message: “Now come and comment”, immediately received replies of repudiation on his Instagram account. The rapper erased the post in less than two hours.

Irrael Gómez, a famous networking expert rejected the post and stressed on the xenophobia against Venezuelans.
“There’s no xenophobia in Panama: I invented it myself. What would Wyznick Ortega say from this video, or what would the TV host who either acknowledges the Panamanian chauvinism; or even Sara Faretraque, a Venezuelan woman, but since she Works there she says “don’t listen to me”. I would never ask my followers to see the last post of this crap. I would never tell them to comment on this and then denounce it as spam. I’d never do it. Honest”, Gómez stressed.

English Version: María Eugenia Acero Colomine @andesenfrungen

Email: acerocolomine@gmail.com

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