By: Laiguanatv/
Feb. 26th, 2018 - The Right-wing and ultra right-wing media outlets have never publicly assumed that the shortage of food and medicines on the Colombian-Venezuelan border is mainly a consequence of the extraction smuggling orquestrated by well organized cartels.The owners of the main information Web Sites and portals, aimed at damaging the image of regional governments (mostly revolutionary), refuse to accept the economic sabotage and the bachaqueo (smuggling, overpricing, traffick and illegal sale of diverse food and medicine items) repeatedly denounced by the national Venezuelan Executive.However, in one of the most recent headlines on the Web site of the newspaper the El Nacional, this practice seems to have been forgotten. In an article published on Saturday, February 24th, those who run this site accept for the first time that it is smuggling that leaves the Táchira state without any basic product."Contraband on the border with Colombia leaves Táchira without products", the headline states. The irony is that this reality is assumed only because the aforementioned entity is now led by a representative of the opposition (in this case by Laidy Gómez, from the Democratic Action party).This curious fact was shared by the journalist of the international channel Telesur, Madelein García. On her Twitter account, the journalist writes the following: "How come? Now El Nacional makes a headline 'Contraband on the border with Colombia leaves Táchira without food." Finally, they assume it. The regional opposition recognizes that the shortage of food and medicines mentioning contraband "
Read the full article in Spanish, here:
English Version: María Eugenia Acero Colomine @andesenfrungen